Women employees should aspire more: ISRO

Women employees of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) should aspire to become astronauts and try to scale remarkable heights in their career, ISRO Chairman G. Madhavan Nair has said.

Inaugurating the national conference on ‘ISRO women: challenges ahead’ here on Sunday, Mr. Madhavan Nair said the women personnel in the organisation had been consistent in their output and were capable of making remarkable strides and taking up more challenges.

Mr. Madhavan Nair said that during the course of a series of interactions he had with students and the probing questions they posed about space technology, it was obvious that they held a promise to the future.

Chandrayaan had won great acclaim and the nation earned a place of pride in satellite technology. There were challenges ahead and the flight should go on to Mars, meteors and the edge of the solar system. An uninterrupted access to the space was the key to all development.

Application of technology also was quite significant. The tele-education programme would be a tool to create awareness among women. The programme would be fruitful in empowering women and preventing drop-outs . Content-generation for the programme was a challenge, he said.

VSSC deputy director T.S. Ramadevi welcomed the gathering. VSSC director K. Radhakrishnan presided. The former Karnataka Chief Secretary Malati Das delivered the keynote address. J. Geetha proposed a vote of thanks.

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